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In brief about myself
Mortgages will help to restore life insurance in Russia; experts’ opinion.
A. Lelchuck. What Russian pensioner needs five year pension for? // Finance, 2005, N 6.
A. Lelchuck. Life insurance in inflation environment. // Finance, 2005.
A. Lelchuck. Pensioners’ mortality. // Pension funds and investments, 2004.
A. Lelchuck. Payment of the funded part of labour pension. // Pension funds and investments, 2004, N 1.
A. Lelchuck, E. Yanenko. Long and short term views on pension fund investments. // Pension funds and investments, 2003, N 6.
A. Lelchuck. Life insurance contracts valuation //Aktuariy N7-8, 2003.
M. Baskakova, V. Baskakov, A. Lelchuck. Gender aspects of the new Russian pension system. // Gender equability: looking for old problems solutions. – Moscow : ILO. -2003, pp. 129-149.
V. Baskakov, A. Lelchuck, D. Pomazkin. Modelling the Pension System of the Russian Federation p. 10-90, in «The pension system: A model for Russia and international experience». Moscow Public Science Foundation, 2003.
V. Baskakov, A. Lelchuk, and D. Pomazkin, The Pension System of Russia: Actuarial Examination (methodological approach).
V. Baskakov, A. Lelchuck, D. Pomazkin. To the question of actuarial education in Russia. Pension funds and investments, 2003.
Tuition materials
Chris Daykin
The rebirth of the actuarial profession in Russia – a personal view
News from Guild of Actuaries